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lsInternal::LaxFriedrichs< T, D, order > Member List

This is the complete list of members for lsInternal::LaxFriedrichs< T, D, order >, including all inherited members.

LaxFriedrichs(SmartPointer< viennals::Domain< T, D > > passedlsDomain, SmartPointer< viennals::VelocityField< T > > vel, double alpha, hrleVectorType< T, 3 > &alphas, bool calcNormal)lsInternal::LaxFriedrichs< T, D, order >inline
operator()(const hrleVectorType< hrleIndexType, D > &indices, int material)lsInternal::LaxFriedrichs< T, D, order >inline
order_lsInternal::LaxFriedrichs< T, D, order >static
prepareLS(SmartPointer< viennals::Domain< T, D > > passedlsDomain)lsInternal::LaxFriedrichs< T, D, order >inlinestatic
reduceTimeStepHamiltonJacobi(double &MaxTimeStep, hrleCoordType gridDelta)lsInternal::LaxFriedrichs< T, D, order >inline