
#include <rayParticle.hpp>

Particle Initialization

Particles are initialized at random positions on the source plane with random directions according to particle-specific distributions.

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virtual void initNew(rayRNG &Rng) override {}

Initial Distribution of Directions

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virtual NumericType getSourceDistributionPower() const { return 1.; }

Data Containers

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virtual std::vector<std::string> getLocalDataLabels() const {
    return {};
virtual void logData(rayDataLog<NumericType> &log) {}

Surface Collision

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Parameter Description Type
rayWeight Current weight of the ray. NumericType
rayDir Direction of the ray. rayTriple<NumericType>
geomNormal Surface normal at the point of collision. rayTriple<NumericType>
primID Identifier for the primitive being collided with. unsigned int
materialId Identifier for the material of the collided primitive. int
localData Reference to user-defined ray tracing data. rayTracingData<NumericType>&
globalData Pointer to global ray tracing data. const rayTracingData<NumericType>*
Rng Reference to a thread-safe random number generator. rayRNG&

Surface Reflection

Coming Soon

Parameter Description Type
rayWeight Current weight of the ray. NumericType
rayDir Direction of the ray before reflection. rayTriple<NumericType>
geomNormal Surface normal at the point of reflection. rayTriple<NumericType>
primId Identifier for the primitive being intersected. unsigned int
materialId Identifier for the material of the intersected primitive. int
globalData Pointer to global ray tracing data. const rayTracingData<NumericType>*
Rng Reference to a thread-safe random number generator. rayRNG&

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