No Matches
viennals::Domain< T, D > Class Template Reference

Class containing all information about the level set, including the dimensions of the domain, boundary conditions and all data. More...

#include <lsDomain.hpp>

Public Types

typedef T ValueType
typedef hrleGrid< DGridType
typedef hrleDomain< T, DDomainType
typedef BoundaryConditionEnum BoundaryType
typedef std::vector< std::pair< hrleVectorType< hrleIndexType, D >, T > > PointValueVectorType
typedef std::vector< std::array< T, D > > NormalVectorType
typedef PointData< TPointDataType
typedef std::vector< bool > VoidPointMarkersType

Public Member Functions

 Domain (hrleCoordType gridDelta=1.0)
 initalise an empty infinite Domain
 Domain (hrleCoordType *bounds, BoundaryType *boundaryConditions, hrleCoordType gridDelta=1.0)
 Domain (std::vector< hrleCoordType > bounds, std::vector< unsigned > boundaryConditions, hrleCoordType gridDelta=1.0)
 Domain (PointValueVectorType pointData, hrleCoordType *bounds, BoundaryType *boundaryConditions, hrleCoordType gridDelta=1.0)
 initialise Domain with domain size "bounds", filled with point/value pairs in pointData
 Domain (GridType passedGrid)
 Domain (SmartPointer< Domain > passedDomain)
void finalize (int newWidth)
 this function sets a new levelset width and finalizes the levelset, so it is ready for use by other algorithms
void finalize ()
 this function finalizes the levelset, so it is ready for use by other algorithms
void deepCopy (const SmartPointer< Domain< T, D > > passedDomain)
 copy all values of "passedDomain" to this Domain
void insertPoints (PointValueVectorType pointData, bool sort=true)
 re-initalise Domain with the point/value pairs in pointData This is similar to lsFromMesh with the difference that pointData contains (INDEX, Value) pairs, while lsFromMesh expects coordinates rather than indices
const GridTypegetGrid () const
 get reference to the grid on which the levelset is defined
GridTypegetGrid ()
 get mutable reference to the grid on which the level set is defined
DomainTypegetDomain ()
 get const reference to the underlying hrleDomain data structure
const DomainTypegetDomain () const
unsigned getNumberOfSegments () const
 returns the number of segments, the levelset is split into. This is useful for algorithm parallelisation
unsigned getNumberOfPoints () const
 returns the number of defined points
int getLevelSetWidth () const
void setLevelSetWidth (int width)
void clearMetaData ()
PointDataTypegetPointData ()
 get reference to point data saved in the level set
const PointDataTypegetPointData () const
VoidPointMarkersTypegetVoidPointMarkers ()
 get reference to the voidPoints markers for all points
const VoidPointMarkersTypegetVoidPointMarkers () const
void print (std::ostream &out=std::cout)
 prints basic information and all memebers of the levelset structure
std::ostream & serialize (std::ostream &stream)
 Serializes the Domain into a binary stream.
std::istream & deserialize (std::istream &stream)
 Deserialize Domain from binary stream.

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr int dimensions = D
static constexpr T POS_VALUE = std::numeric_limits<T>::max()
static constexpr T NEG_VALUE = std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest()

Detailed Description

template<class T, int D>
class viennals::Domain< T, D >

Class containing all information about the level set, including the dimensions of the domain, boundary conditions and all data.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ BoundaryType

template<class T, int D>
typedef BoundaryConditionEnum viennals::Domain< T, D >::BoundaryType

◆ DomainType

template<class T, int D>
typedef hrleDomain<T, D> viennals::Domain< T, D >::DomainType

◆ GridType

template<class T, int D>
typedef hrleGrid<D> viennals::Domain< T, D >::GridType

◆ NormalVectorType

template<class T, int D>
typedef std::vector<std::array<T, D> > viennals::Domain< T, D >::NormalVectorType

◆ PointDataType

template<class T, int D>
typedef PointData<T> viennals::Domain< T, D >::PointDataType

◆ PointValueVectorType

template<class T, int D>
typedef std::vector<std::pair<hrleVectorType<hrleIndexType, D>, T> > viennals::Domain< T, D >::PointValueVectorType

◆ ValueType

template<class T, int D>
typedef T viennals::Domain< T, D >::ValueType

◆ VoidPointMarkersType

template<class T, int D>
typedef std::vector<bool> viennals::Domain< T, D >::VoidPointMarkersType

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Domain() [1/6]

template<class T, int D>
viennals::Domain< T, D >::Domain ( hrleCoordType gridDelta = 1.0)

initalise an empty infinite Domain

◆ Domain() [2/6]

template<class T, int D>
viennals::Domain< T, D >::Domain ( hrleCoordType * bounds,
BoundaryType * boundaryConditions,
hrleCoordType gridDelta = 1.0 )

◆ Domain() [3/6]

template<class T, int D>
viennals::Domain< T, D >::Domain ( std::vector< hrleCoordType > bounds,
std::vector< unsigned > boundaryConditions,
hrleCoordType gridDelta = 1.0 )

◆ Domain() [4/6]

template<class T, int D>
viennals::Domain< T, D >::Domain ( PointValueVectorType pointData,
hrleCoordType * bounds,
BoundaryType * boundaryConditions,
hrleCoordType gridDelta = 1.0 )

initialise Domain with domain size "bounds", filled with point/value pairs in pointData

◆ Domain() [5/6]

template<class T, int D>
viennals::Domain< T, D >::Domain ( GridType passedGrid)

◆ Domain() [6/6]

template<class T, int D>
viennals::Domain< T, D >::Domain ( SmartPointer< Domain< T, D > > passedDomain)

Member Function Documentation

◆ clearMetaData()

template<class T, int D>
void viennals::Domain< T, D >::clearMetaData ( )

◆ deepCopy()

template<class T, int D>
void viennals::Domain< T, D >::deepCopy ( const SmartPointer< Domain< T, D > > passedDomain)

copy all values of "passedDomain" to this Domain

◆ deserialize()

template<class T, int D>
std::istream & viennals::Domain< T, D >::deserialize ( std::istream & stream)

Deserialize Domain from binary stream.

◆ finalize() [1/2]

template<class T, int D>
void viennals::Domain< T, D >::finalize ( )

this function finalizes the levelset, so it is ready for use by other algorithms

◆ finalize() [2/2]

template<class T, int D>
void viennals::Domain< T, D >::finalize ( int newWidth)

this function sets a new levelset width and finalizes the levelset, so it is ready for use by other algorithms

◆ getDomain() [1/2]

template<class T, int D>
DomainType & viennals::Domain< T, D >::getDomain ( )

get const reference to the underlying hrleDomain data structure

◆ getDomain() [2/2]

template<class T, int D>
const DomainType & viennals::Domain< T, D >::getDomain ( ) const

◆ getGrid() [1/2]

template<class T, int D>
GridType & viennals::Domain< T, D >::getGrid ( )

get mutable reference to the grid on which the level set is defined

◆ getGrid() [2/2]

template<class T, int D>
const GridType & viennals::Domain< T, D >::getGrid ( ) const

get reference to the grid on which the levelset is defined

◆ getLevelSetWidth()

template<class T, int D>
int viennals::Domain< T, D >::getLevelSetWidth ( ) const

◆ getNumberOfPoints()

template<class T, int D>
unsigned viennals::Domain< T, D >::getNumberOfPoints ( ) const

returns the number of defined points

◆ getNumberOfSegments()

template<class T, int D>
unsigned viennals::Domain< T, D >::getNumberOfSegments ( ) const

returns the number of segments, the levelset is split into. This is useful for algorithm parallelisation

◆ getPointData() [1/2]

template<class T, int D>
PointDataType & viennals::Domain< T, D >::getPointData ( )

get reference to point data saved in the level set

◆ getPointData() [2/2]

template<class T, int D>
const PointDataType & viennals::Domain< T, D >::getPointData ( ) const

◆ getVoidPointMarkers() [1/2]

template<class T, int D>
VoidPointMarkersType & viennals::Domain< T, D >::getVoidPointMarkers ( )

get reference to the voidPoints markers for all points

◆ getVoidPointMarkers() [2/2]

template<class T, int D>
const VoidPointMarkersType & viennals::Domain< T, D >::getVoidPointMarkers ( ) const

◆ insertPoints()

template<class T, int D>
void viennals::Domain< T, D >::insertPoints ( PointValueVectorType pointData,
bool sort = true )

re-initalise Domain with the point/value pairs in pointData This is similar to lsFromMesh with the difference that pointData contains (INDEX, Value) pairs, while lsFromMesh expects coordinates rather than indices

◆ print()

template<class T, int D>
void viennals::Domain< T, D >::print ( std::ostream & out = std::cout)

prints basic information and all memebers of the levelset structure

◆ serialize()

template<class T, int D>
std::ostream & viennals::Domain< T, D >::serialize ( std::ostream & stream)

Serializes the Domain into a binary stream.

◆ setLevelSetWidth()

template<class T, int D>
void viennals::Domain< T, D >::setLevelSetWidth ( int width)

Member Data Documentation

◆ dimensions

template<class T, int D>
int viennals::Domain< T, D >::dimensions = D


template<class T, int D>
T viennals::Domain< T, D >::NEG_VALUE = std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest()


template<class T, int D>
T viennals::Domain< T, D >::POS_VALUE = std::numeric_limits<T>::max()

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