Abstract class defining the interface for the velocity field used during advection using lsAdvect.
#include <lsVelocityField.hpp>
| VelocityField () |
virtual T | getScalarVelocity (const Vec3D< T > &, int, const Vec3D< T > &, unsigned long) |
| Should return a scalar value for the velocity at coordinate for a point of material with the given normalVector.
virtual Vec3D< T > | getVectorVelocity (const Vec3D< T > &, int, const Vec3D< T > &, unsigned long) |
| Like getScalarVelocity, but returns a velocity value for each cartesian direction.
virtual T | getDissipationAlpha (int, int, const Vec3D< T > &) |
| If lsLocalLaxFriedrichsAnalytical is used as the advection scheme, this is called to provide the analytical solution for the alpha values, needed for stable integration.
virtual | ~VelocityField () |
class viennals::VelocityField< T >
Abstract class defining the interface for the velocity field used during advection using lsAdvect.
◆ VelocityField()
◆ ~VelocityField()
◆ getDissipationAlpha()
If lsLocalLaxFriedrichsAnalytical is used as the advection scheme, this is called to provide the analytical solution for the alpha values, needed for stable integration.
◆ getScalarVelocity()
Should return a scalar value for the velocity at coordinate for a point of material with the given normalVector.
◆ getVectorVelocity()
Like getScalarVelocity, but returns a velocity value for each cartesian direction.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: